Sicily 43 Pledge Manager Opened!
Dear friends and backers! The Pledge Manager is now open and we will soon be collecting the shipping costs! As you know we have a… Weiterlesen »Sicily 43 Pledge Manager Opened!
Dear friends and backers! The Pledge Manager is now open and we will soon be collecting the shipping costs! As you know we have a… Weiterlesen »Sicily 43 Pledge Manager Opened!
Happy Easter to all of you! Wow! What a start in the year 2022. I want to use the time for now to give a few… Weiterlesen »Happy Easter News
Find Update #69 on our KS page… Things are going well and we now have some time to pursue our further plans after shipping all… Weiterlesen »Don´t Be Lazy….
#assaultgames delivers. Our #redhorizon41 shipment arrived in Las Vegas. Mark is now preparing the shipment of our #wargames to the US backers. #wargames Made in… Weiterlesen »Assault Games delivers…
A few words from Ingrid…our Artist: Ingrid ist ein großer Glücksfall für unser Projekt. Wie das Leben so spielt, habe ich sie vor Jahren über… Weiterlesen »Artists are silent Heroes…
Grant from “The Players’ Aid” asked me some deep going questions regarding ASSAULT Red Horizon 41. Find the interview here: Interview The Players Aid
Folge dem Link: Try out: Table Top Simulator Module for ASSAULT Game Follow the link Try out: Table Top Simulator Module for ASSAULT Game
We are on. A bit earlier as planned but well prepared. Click for KS page We are on. A bit earlier as planned but well… Weiterlesen »We are on. Kickstarter is launched
[:de]This project will be published on KS 18th December 2020! You can preview it on @Kickstarter and subscribe to notifications. [:en]This project will be… Weiterlesen »KS Prelaunch Link is online
[:de]Subscribe here to stay up to date!!! Unser Assault Projekt ist auf dem Weg zur Kickstarter Kampagne. Wir planen den Start für Dezember 2020. Trage… Weiterlesen »Assault – Red Horizon 41 goes Kickstarter