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Startseite » Assault Tournament 2024 » Results


The first round of game play should now be underway. We are all playing a meeting engagement in a small village, “First Encounter”. These sessions may either be played using Vassal or Table Top Simulator. As you complete your scenario, don’t forget to report your results and submit an after action report. Good luck!

Current Tournament Standings

Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 Score Units Lost
Jörgen B.            1 42
Andreas E.            0 70
 Sean E.           1 43
Clifton F.              0 0
Wolfgang K.         4 7 69
 Michal K.             0 0
 Erich R.          0 3 50
Uwe W.              0 0

Game 1 Pairings and Results (playing “First Encounter” scenario)

Allied Player Axis Players Result Allied Losses Axis Losses AAR
Jorgen B.  Wolfgang K. 3:1  42  39  AAR-1
Andreas E.  Michael K.        AAR-2
Sean E.   Erich R.  1:3  43  14 AAR-3
 Clifton F. Uwe W.        AAR-4


Link to the Game Screen Recording of the Game Jorgen vs. Wolfgang on Youtube

Game 2 Pairings and Results (playing “First Encounter” scenario as the other side)

Allied Player Axis Player Result Allied Losses Axis Losses AAR
 Wolfgang K.  Andreas E.  4:0 70  AAR-5
Michal K.  Sean E.        AAR-6
 Erich R.  Clifton F.       AAR-7
Uwe W.  Jörgen B.        AAR-8

Game 3 Pairings and Results (playing “Tank on Tank” scenario)

Allied Player Axis Player Result Allied Losses Axis Losses AAR
Jörgen B.   Michal K.       AAR-9
Andreas E.  Erich R.       AAR-10
Sean E.   Uwe W.       AAR-11
Clifton F.  Wolfgang K.        AAR-12

Game 4 Pairings and Results (playing “Tank on Tank” scenario as the other side)

Allied Player Axis Player Result Allied Losses Axis Losses AAR
Wolfgang K.  Sean E.        AAR-13
 Michal K. Clifton F.        AAR-14
 Erich R. Jörgen B.        AAR-15
Uwe W.  Andreas E.        AAR-16

Game 5 Pairings and Results (playing “The Hill” scenario)

Important for Setup: Axis Player is Attacker!

Allied Player Axis Player Result Allied Losses Axis Losses AAR
 Jörgen B. Clifton F.        AAR-17
 Andreas E. Sean E.        AAR-18
Wolfgang K.   Uwe W.       AAR-19
Michal K.  Erich R.        AAR-20


Game 6 Pairings and Results (playing “The Hill” scenario as the other side)

Important for Setup: Axis Player is Attacker!

Allied Player Axis Player Result Allied Losses Axis Losses AAR
 Sean E.  Jörgen B.       AAR-21
 Clifton F.  Andreas E.       AAR-22
Erich R.  Wolfgang K.   0:4  36  30 AAR-23
Uwe W.  Michal K.        AAR-24